> From: space...@gmail.com
> On Sat, Aug 1, 2015 at 5:52 PM, dwight <dkel...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> > There we two different reference voltages on 723s. I don't recall which
> > was which but one had to change the feedback resistors if you used the
> > wrong one.
> There's a reference with a built-in current source and amplifier,
> which outputs on pin 6 on the DIP. That's the one that's specified as
> 7.15V ±0.35V.
> The 723 in DIP also has a 6.2V zener diode in series from the
> regulator output. It's not bonded out in the metal can package.
> I've never found a 723 datasheet that gives a different values for
> either reference.

The one I had to replace on my Nicolet oscilloscope was made by
Lambda. I don't recall the reference voltage but I did have to change
the feedback resistors to get it to work.
I could dig up the schematic if you are interested more.
The Lambda one had failed. It was in a can and I could not get the
same reference voltage so made the resistor change.

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