The link below is to a Google Drive folder with three files that I will
leave up for a while:

awstape.c - Read a SCSI tape, output in AWS format (Linux)
awstoraw.c - Read an AWS file, output a raw byte stream
awstosimh.c - Read an AWS file, output a SimH

They are anything but elegant, but have gotten the job done for me.


On 8/9/2015 11:57 PM, Marc Verdiell wrote:
> Hey, I'll take the offer, I am interested in both.
> Marc
>> Jay Jaeger wrote:
>> If anyone is interested, I have code for a Linux SCSI tape to
>> AWSTAPE program, and a program that translates aws format to a raw
>> byte stream. Not sure if I have one that translates to the SimH .tap
>> format, though. GNU C.
>> Chuck Guzis wrote:
>> I've got a Linux utility to translate SIMH .tap to raw binary, if that's 
>> interesting to anyone.  I would have thought that such utilities existed 
>> already.

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