On 08/22/2015 04:49 PM, Al Kossow wrote:
On 8/22/15 2:23 PM, Sean Conner wrote:

For my own morbid curiosity, and because it came up on another mailing list I'm on [1], what machines commercially avaialble were sign magnitude
and one's complement?

A table of what computers had what numeric representation is one of those things that should have been done, but never has. Now that bitsavers has a reasonable collection
of technical/programming manuals, it might even be possible.


has some information, but it isn't really in any sort of tabular form.

AFAIK, the PDP-1 was the only DEC 1's compliment machine that shipped.

The LINC part of the LINC-8 and PDP-12 were one's complement.


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