On 8/22/2015 6:31 PM, Chuck Guzis wrote:
On 08/22/2015 02:14 PM, Al Kossow wrote:

No, I haven't the faintest idea where you would even find a copy today.

I did find a reference to the CCVS suite of tests for sequential I/O:


TOG lists the 1985 suite as the standard validation for COBOL, but the link goes to NCC and thence to a 404.

One used to be able to get such stuff from the USDOC, but I doubt that they would know what you were talking about today.

I suspect that there's a reel of tape somewhere with the damned things on it.


Actually, with a little digging on DTIC I found another reference 9actaully several - the full manual is there - and ended up on NTIS which shows it *still* available although when you click the link the product number gives an error and suggests you contact customer service:..... Al?



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