On Thu, 3 Sep 2015, Jay West wrote:

Marc wrote....
HP 1000. Not only the standard 24 pin ROMs but the small 14 or 16 pin
bootloader ROMs that Jay showed me at VCF. What would be a good ROM
programmer that could read and write these  of older HP equipment ROMs?

The Data I/O 29B works perfectly for those old fusable link proms. With
optional additional attachments, it can program more "modern" devices as

I have a list of the various blanks needed for 21MX loader roms, and the two
different blanks needed for microcode. I'll dig that up and post tomorrow.

   From my notes on upgrading my 2109E to run RTE-6/VM:

"I used a Data I/O 29B programmer to burn the PROMs, with a Unipak 2B. The blank PROMs were variously Signetics N82S141, MMI 6341-1 and National 74S474. Along with the 12821A HP-IB board, you also need a Boot Loader PROM, 12992H (12992-80004). The boot loader PROM is a Signetics N82S129 or equivalent. For installation information about the firmware PROMs, see manual 12791-90001 (HP 1000 M/E/F-Series Firmware Installation and Reference Manual). For boot loader information, see manual 12792-90001 (HP 12992 Loader ROMs Installation Manual)."

Mike Loewen                             mloe...@cpumagic.scol.pa.us
Old Technology                          http://q7.neurotica.com/Oldtech/

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