Well done! Thank you
On Sat, Sep 05, 2015 at 01:10:14PM -0400, Noel Chiappa wrote: > > we now have the 11/73 prints, which I will be scanning Real Soon Now. > > OK, done: > > http://ana-3.lcs.mit.edu/~jnc/tech/pdp11/MP01890_KDJ11-A_Jan84.pdf > > Can the appropriate people please download this to all the right places > (e.g. repositories)? > > > Don't be misled by the svelte 1.5MB size; they were scanned at 600dpi, and > there is a _ton_ of resolution in there (you can go way past the '100%' > setting on Adobe Reader without getting pixellation). > > The originals were in really rough shape (torn, written on, etc), but I think > the results are fully legible. I looked quickly, and found a couple of issues, > where there was writing which obscured things on the scans, and fixed the > images manually to show what's on the original prints. However, I didn't have > the energy to look at every detail of every page, so if something comes up > un-readable, let me know, and I'll issue a fixed set. > > (There are some places which aren't legible, e.g. lower right pins of E9 on > K3, but the original prints aren't legible there either, so there's nothing I > can do about that; it's possible to work out what the pin numbers are, > though.) > > > And a _HUGE_ 'Thank You' to Paul Anderson for lending me the print set so I > could scan them for everyone! > > > > That does leave us needing the 11/83/84 CPU prints, so if anyone has a > > set... > > Can I repeat my appeal for these? They are for the KDJ11-B (M8190). With this > board being so recent, surely someone must have a set? I'd be happy to do the > work of scanning them, if someone has originals but isn't up to the scanning > part. > > Noel