Go ahead. this drawing is published as creative commons and the svg is in parts.

the text and holes is a separate layer. I even included a layer with all holes, so just make the right holes white and there you are. The text above is another thing though. the characters are als separate drawings, but I foud out that the dots are not separate. oh well, not a big issue. Use the grid.

btw, I work in Inkscape. not the best program around, but it does the job.


On 10-09-15 20:01, Chuck Guzis wrote:
On 09/10/2015 09:53 AM, simon wrote:
A nice guy at greenkeys spotted an error in the printed characters.
the c cedille should actually be a cent char.

So, EBCDIC.  How about a few of the other character sets in use at the

That might be interesting.


Met vriendelijke Groet,

Simon Claessen

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