So cool ☺

On 6 October 2015 at 20:14, Rich Alderson <>

> From: Ian S. King
> Sent: Monday, October 05, 2015 3:30 PM
> > ISTR having run 7.2 briefly on an 11/785 (to troubleshoot an install
> > problem with 6.2), and while I didn't do much with it, it did come up and
> > run.  And I've used 7.2 quite a bit on 3100-series machines with minimal
> > RAM.  Granted, I didn't try to do anything resource-intensive, but I did
> > run the machines over serial.  -- Ian
> Recently upgraded from 6.2 to 7.3 in order to install TCP/IP Services
> instead
> of CMU/IP (discussed in this list at the time).  Runs very nicely.  For
> comparison
> to Christian Gauger-Cosgrove's SimH instance:
>                         Welcome to Rosencrantz!
>                 (VAX-11/780-5 @ Living Computer Museum)
>    $ show cpu
>    ROSIE, a VAX-11/785
>    Multiprocessing is DISABLED. Uniprocessing synchronization image loaded.
>    PRIMARY CPU = 00
>    Active CPUs:      00
>    Configured CPUs:  00
>    $ show mem
>                  System Memory Resources on  6-OCT-2015 11:56:59.90
>    Physical Memory Usage (pages):     Total        Free      In Use
> Modified
>      Main Memory (24.00Mb)            49152       17336       29050
> 2766
>    Virtual I/O Cache Usage (pages):   Total        Free      In Use
>  Maximum
>      Cache Memory                      6857           0        6857
>  27869
>    Slot Usage (slots):                Total        Free    Resident
>  Swapped
>      Process Entry Slots                130         109          21
>    0
>      Balance Set Slots                   88          69          19
>    0
>    Dynamic Memory Usage (bytes):      Total        Free      In Use
>  Largest
>      Nonpaged Dynamic Memory        2372608      827264     1545344
> 591552
>      Paged Dynamic Memory           1465856     1098720      367136
>  1097792
>    Paging File Usage (pages):                      Free  Reservable
>  Total
>      DISK$VMS062SYS:[SYS0.SYSEXE]SWAPFILE.SYS      2008        2008
> 2008
>      DISK$VMS062SYS:[SYS0.SYSEXE]PAGEFILE.SYS     49526       14657
>  54016
>    Of the physical pages in use, 13854 pages are permanently allocated to
> OpenVMS.
>    $ show sys
>    OpenVMS V7.3  on node ROSIE   6-OCT-2015 11:57:15.12  Uptime  40
> 16:53:36
>      Pid    Process Name    State  Pri      I/O       CPU       Page flts
> Pages
>    20200101 SWAPPER         HIB     16        0   0 00:08:51.85         0
>     0
>    20211504 ALDERSON        CUR      4      276   0 00:00:22.08     13616
>   381
>    20200106 CLUSTER_SERVER  HIB     12       11   0 00:00:00.50       200
>   307
>    20200107 CONFIGURE       HIB      9       29   0 00:00:00.36       125
>   185
>    20200108 LANACP          HIB     13       48   0 00:00:01.25       360
>   864
>    2020010A IPCACP          HIB     10        6   0 00:00:24.77       191
>   102
>    2020010B ERRFMT          HIB      8    24786   0 00:08:27.24       145
>   216
>    2020010C CACHE_SERVER    HIB     16        6   0 00:00:00.15        83
>   123
>    2020010D OPCOM           HIB      9   210903   0 00:48:41.89      4757
>   230
>    2020010E AUDIT_SERVER    HIB     10    43181   0 00:29:34.51       642
>   621
>    2020010F JOB_CONTROL     HIB     10    95355   0 00:13:24.10       359
>   335
>    20200110 QUEUE_MANAGER   HIB     10    37658   0 00:13:55.68       830
>   735
>    20200111 SECURITY_SERVER HIB     10    21452   0 01:15:12.72      5131
>  1338
>    20200112 SMISERVER       HIB      9       35   0 00:09:59.82       346
>   169
>    20200113 TCPIP$INETACP   HIB      8   375775   0 02:02:09.30      1223
>   882
>    20211048 SMJ             LEF      6   286296   0 00:41:45.37       937
>   615
>    20206662 CROSS           LEF      4     7864   0 00:04:36.76     42366
>   280
>    2020396E TCPIP$FTP_3     LEF     10      819   0 00:00:24.54      6472
>  1796  N
>    2020B277 TORESBE         LEF      4     1543   0 00:00:52.86     11107
>   307
>    2021147E STREMHLAV       LEF      6      319   0 00:00:13.62      6577
>   308
>    $
>                                                                 Rich
> Rich Alderson
> Vintage Computing Sr. Systems Engineer
> Living Computer Museum
> 2245 1st Avenue S
> Seattle, WA 98134

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