Quite a piece of work. I hope you can continue to plug away at it. I get that bit about mistakes. Even my simple PIC-based Documation card reader interface board had a mistake (fortunately, one I could easily fix without having to create a new board). Fortunately, my Mark-8 boards ended up mistake free, but only because of hours and hours and hours of cross-checking against the layouts in the Radio Electronics sponsored flyer, the schematics and against know issues. But those were nothing like this thing's complexity.
JRJ On 10/9/2015 8:38 PM, John Wilson wrote: > This may never see the light of day (if the prototype turns out to be > stillborn) but it's pretty and I can't resist posting a pic before I've > powered it on and proven its uselessness: > > http://www.dbit.com/wilson/projects/qba.jpg > > Officially it's for my morally repugnant attempts to earn a living (so it's > supposed to be a Q-bus bridge that connects over Ethernet), but I wanted to > still be able to do something fun in the very likely case that the Ethernet > port doesn't work (no idea if my PCB layout is kosher for something as fast > as the gigabit PHY's bus) or has uselessly high latency, so I added an SD > card slot and made all the CPU-end terminators switchable, so it can act > as just a plain peripheral (I'm mainly thinking disk controller -- I've > already found a reason why the USB device port can't work), if its CPU's > alive and can talk to the Q-bus. We'll see. Many many many chances for > mistakes. Five different power-supply voltages, for starters. > > As always, I can't say enough good things about XMOS microcontrollers and > OSHpark.com. > > John Wilson > D Bit >