On 2015-10-12 2:51 PM, Jecel Assumpcao Jr. wrote:
Paul Koning wrote on Sat, 10 Oct 2015 11:44:58 -0400:
On Oct 9, 2015, at 5:39 PM, Jecel Assumpcao Jr. wrote:
[noticed voter ID terminal had cable to voting machines!]

That's not the real problem.

Indeed, not *the* problem but just *a* problem I noticed while still in
line to get into the voting station.

The real problem is that you had no way to be sure, no way to verify,
that the machine was recording your vote and would accurately report
it later.  It might just as easily report numbers that someone had told
it to report, not connected to any reality.  How would you know?  If
anyone were to question this, how would you prove that the count is

This issue was raised, so the third time these machines were used in a
national election there was a pilot with modified machines that printed
their results so that the voter could see (but not touch) and then
dropped the paper version into an urn. Observers from all the different
parties could use the paper trail to verify the numbers presented
electronically by the machines. After that single trial, TSE declared
that the result was that a paper trail was proved to be unnecessary and
caused delays and added expense, so those machines were never seen again
and elections in Brazil have been paper free ever since.

Leaving the vulnerability.

There are several aspects of voting culture in Brazil that are quite
different ...

-- Jecel

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