OK here it is The paper is impregnated with potassium ferrocyanide. This gives a yellowish color. The paper is dampend to make it conductive. Passing a current through it turns it blue (at least in the reference I saw)
I always thought it printed black.

Rod Smallwood

On 13/10/2015 17:20, Paul Koning wrote:
On Oct 13, 2015, at 12:13 PM, Mark J. Blair <n...@nf6x.net> wrote:

On Oct 12, 2015, at 23:42, Ethan Dicks <ethan.di...@gmail.com> wrote:

On Mon, Oct 12, 2015 at 11:32 PM, Nigel Williams
<n...@retrocomputingtasmania.com> wrote:
Has anyone ever seen one? I had an idea it used a silvered-paper and
burned it off? or am I mis-remembering.
I used one in the early 1980s but I never had to repair it.  It was,
as Tony and others have mentioned, electrolytic, not thermal.  I don't
know the details of the process either, but I remember the wet wick
and having to wait for the paper to dry.
I wonder if the wet-paper printer that you remember used a similar process to 
the one that my folks' liquid toner photocopier did back in the 80s? It used an 
electrostatic toner adhesion process followed by a fuser. Just like 
contemporary laser printers and photocopiers, but with the toner particles 
suspended in a liquid carrier. The volatile carrier smelled awful, and the 
finished copies had a fingernails-on-chalkboard like gritty feel in the hands. 
I seem to recall that it needed specially prepared paper.
That sounds correct.  Versatec made printers that used that process, I used one 
(attached to the CDC 6500 at U of Illinois PLATO).  Very nice for continuous 
roll full bitmap graphics.


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