Probably a silly question, but I assume that if you're using a 28-pin socket you are inserting it aligned at the end *opposite* pin 1, with pin numbers offset by 2 (ie. 2x32 pin1 is 2764/256 pin 3, etc.)?


----- Original Message ----- From: "Adrian Graham" <> To: <>; "General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts" <>
Sent: Saturday, October 24, 2015 8:56 PM
Subject: Re: PROMs and EPROMs, specifically 2332/2532/2732

On 24/10/2015 19:18, "John Robertson" <> wrote:

On 10/24/2015 5:43 AM, Adrian Graham wrote:
Hi folks,

PET4032 repair continues with all ROMs, video RAM and dodgy sockets removed thanks to a hot air gun. Holes cleaned and I have new turned pin sockets for everything I've removed which I'll be fitting this afternoon.

Since the ROMs came out OK I'm trying to dump them using my Pinmaster48 programmer, being from the 90s it doesn't read 2332/2532 PROMs but it WILL read a lot of variants of 2732 so I've made an adapter as found thanks to
google and USENET:

2332 pin 18 to 2732 pin 21 (A11)
2332 pin 20 to 2732 pin 18 (Chip enable/Power Down) 2332 pin 21 to 2732 pins 20 and 24 via diodes with banding at the 2332 end
(2332 Vpp)

Wiring checks out and the diodes are aligned correctly so pins 20 and 24 don't interfere with each other, however the pinmaster continually gives me
"continuity error on pin 20"

Have I goofed somewhere?


You just tie pin 21 of the 2332 to Vcc (+5) - Pin 24 of the 2732 - to read.

There are only two modifications needed normally for reading a 2532/2332
in a 2732 socket.


Pin 21 - Vcc (2732 Pin 24)
Pin 18 - A11 (2732 Pin 21)

If your reader coughs up a /OE error then use diodes:


Pin 20 - 2 Diodes, one to 2732 pin 20, the other to 2732 pin 18. Banded end to these pins, and you will also need a pullup resistor on the 2532/2332 socket pin 20 so /CE (2332/2532) goes high when not selected. 2K2 would do fine. Anything from your junk box between 1K and 4K7 should
work though.

I don't think you will need the diodes though.

John :-#)#

Hi John and others,

Thanks for that. I removed the diodes and wired 2332 (21) to 2372 (24) leaving the A11 swap in place, the programmer complained about pin 18 missing. The adapter in front of me is now wired like this:

2332 (18) to 2372 (21)
2332 (20) 2x diodes to 2372 18 (band) and 20 (band)
2332 (20) 2k2 resistor to 2332 (24)
2332 (21) to 2372 (24)

Now I get "reverse insertion" hinting I've wired something upside-down which isn't the case. I can read 27256 and 2764's no problem so I'm mounting
things the correct way.

Further digging into available eproms that the programmer can read reveals it CAN read 2532s, specifically the MCM2532 which the datasheet tells me has the same pinout as the 2332. I still get "reverse insertion error" so I'm
guessing my PROMs are toast.


Binary Dinosaurs creator/curator - the UK's biggest private home computer

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