On 2015-10-26 1:23 PM, Ian Finder wrote:
This thread took a turn for the absurd. Oil? Water? What a practical
bunch of people. /s

They make resistors with adequate cooling... Almost as if they're
rated for a certain number of watts of dissipation and you can buy
them based on that. They are resistors after all.

And if they overheat-- oh wait, they're heavy duty resistors, not
ICs. Get a couple, put them in a metal project box, put it inline
with the cable, and call it a day.

Damn, I already ordered a pile of HVAC gear.

j/k - yeah that was what I was basically planning, Ian ... just as a noob, I'm not totally confident with what a single air cooled part can dissipate.

(The thread was kind of interesting anyway!)


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On Oct 26, 2015, at 09:24, simon <sim...@dds.nl> wrote:

please skip this ridicule and grab yourself a couple of headlights from a car.

On 26-10-15 17:16, Dale H. Cook wrote:
My recommendation of oil is based upon my decades of experience with broadband 
dummy loads from 60 watts to 2.5 kilowatts. The dummy loads that I have worked 
with for medium wave and below and from 5 kilowatts down have all been 
convection air cooled. Broadband dummy loads that I have used for higher powers 
(up to 25 kilowatts) have been forced air cooled.

I prefer to stick with what I have experience with. As for water, YMMV.

Dale H. Cook, Radio Contract Engineer, Roanoke/Lynchburg, VA

Met vriendelijke Groet,

Simon Claessen

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