I've never seen anything works on the sector level, but there are plenty of
terminal emulators that can backup entire directorties with YMODEM batch or

Is there any paricular reason you want disk imaging capability? Bootsectors
on DOS can be re-written with the SYS command, so a boot floppy of the same
version + the terminal emulator should be all you need to do a restore.

On 12 November 2015 at 21:54, Jules Richardson <jules.richardso...@gmail.com
> wrote:

> As per subject line, does anyone know of any util that will back up an x86
> PC running some variant of DOS (MS, Compaq etc.) via rs232 to a remote
> system? (Linux preferable on the remote, but other options exist)
> I'm not finding anything via Google, but it seems like the sort of thing
> that some of the folks here may have done for their systems in the past.
> I'm thinking something that will do a sector-by-sector transfer from a
> given partition (maybe only in-use sectors, implying some minor
> intelligence on the remote end to covert into a raw image, but "send
> everything" mentality is better than nothing) - extra points for retrying
> bad sectors.
> cheers
> Jules

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