On 17/11/2015 20:32, Fred Cisin wrote:
On Tue, 17 Nov 2015, Al Kossow wrote:
Yes, they were two separate lists at one point, then someone decided
to start forwarding messages between the two

I don't think so. I was one of the first few dozen subscribers and my recollection matches Fred's:

If I recall correctly (unrefreshed dynamic wetware RAM), it was not two
separate lists.  CCTECH was a subset of CCTALK.  CCTECH was to be
ON-topic ONLY, with CCTALK quite a bit looser, to be able to devolve
into determining location from ham radio callsigns, etc.  Everything
posted to CCTECH was echoed on CCTALK.  A participant needed only to
subscribe to one list, depending on how tolerant they wanted to be about
off-topic tangents.

At the risk of resurrecting yet another old topic, do we really need both lists?

(Sorry, Jay, I know you already put a lot of effort in and don't have time for this :-))


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