On 11/30/2015 12:18 PM, Terry Stewart wrote:
Speaking of Schrodinger's feline, here are details of my recent Apple II+
repair for those who might be interested:

Terry (Tez)

nice dialog on your repair job.

On the last comment about the ground pin of the defective rom having a signal, 
if the apple board is a 4 layer board the ripple from the short to the internal 
signals from address current, or other signal current being propagated to the 
ground pin, I suspect the resistance in the pin itself may have provided the 
needed high resistance to show the signal.  Unless you scrap the ground solder 
protect off and look at the voltage out in the actual ground conductor, I 
suspect the voltage went down to a very low level very close to the pin.

Also where were the decoupling capacitors located with respect to the pin.  I 
suspect that might have gotten rid of more of the voltage, but they were 
probably nearer the Vcc end of the chip.

If you can track down the schematic, it might be that your missing pin doesn't 
do much unless you perform some special operation, such as some controller 
addressing or memory operation or such that you don't normally do.  It may have 
also had a fit to the other part of the pin if it was present in the socket to 
actually work.  I didn't hear if you found that, or maybe it fell off when you 
pulled the chip out?

I suspect the short developed from your theory about stress, or perhaps the 
chip was programmed by a bad programmer.  We had a programmer that we found 
developed a tendency to program eproms and like programmable chips and it 
destroyed the chips capability to actually reach ground again.

The programmer made chips that verified, but when you ran them in a circuit and 
probed the lines with some sync to the system clock, rather than seeing the 
signals on the data lines going to zero on the datalines, you could see a 
hodgpodge of crap at 1.5 to 3 volts which is TTL la-la land.  The chips 
programmed in such a programmer as a properly working Data I/O had clean lines 
as did reference chips from years earlier.

Due to the fact we didn't program many chips, and I found a cheap programmer to 
hook to a PC, we never found out what broke in our programmer (which was a home 
design admittedly).  But it was build to standard, but had something happen to 
start killing eproms.  So that sort of fault may have been induced in your chip 
and got bad enough to kill off your Apple some years later.


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