
I've built a Harddisk-Controller-Emulator for my system which accesses
a IDE (PATA) harddisk with an ATMega in PIO mode. It works like a charm
except for one WD harddisk. The harddisk itself works fine with MS-DOS
6.22 and FreeBSD but refuses to work with my ATMega.

On reading or writing a sector, right after the command is issued, the
error bit is set in the status register, and the error register indicates
an ABRT.

# indicates the requested  command has been aborted  due to a
# drive status error (such as not ready or write fault) or because
# the command is invalid.

Right after power up and after the disk got ready, I issue the IDENTIFY
command and read the data back which works perfectly. After that I
read sector 0 and this fails.

I use LBA since the harddisk states that is supportes LBA. Nevertheless
I also tried accessing the harddisk with CHS mode and got the same error.

I tested other harddisks which support either CHS+LBA or CHS only. All
of them work perfectly.

What happens after powerup to read block 0 of the disk in LBA mode:

- Setup AVR ports and so on
- wait until RDY gets high
- wait until BSY gets low
- issue a Drive/Head register Command with value 0
- wait until BSY gets low
- issue a Command Register Command with value 0xEC (identify device)
- *read data*
- process and print out data
- wait until BSY gets low
- issue a Sector Count register Command with value 0
- issue a Sector Number register Command with value 0
- issue a Cylinder Low register Command with value 0
- issue a Cylinder High register Command with value 0
- issue a Drive/Head register Command with 0 + 0xE0 (LBA, Drive 0)
- issue a Command Register Command with value 0x20 (Read Sector)
- *read data*

*read data*:

- wait until BSY gets low
- check ERR bit in the Status register <- set on cmd 0x20 here
- wait until DRQ gets high
- issue a Data register Command with no data
- put /RD on low
- read 512 bytes of data
- put /RD on high
- check ERR bit in the Status register

Issuing a Command works always like setting /CS0, /CS1, /DA0, /DA1,
/DA2 to low, and then set the needed signals to high so the desired
command is indicated.
When data has to be transfered with this command, the lower 8 bits
are put then onto the port, /WR is set to low afterwards, 3 nop()
are done and /WR is set back to high.

Does anyone see an error what could make the drive behave like I said?

- ATA IDENTIFY works, and the drives data can be read
- after a read or write sector command is issued, the status register
directly goes 0xd0 (busy) and with the 2nd fetch 0x59 (not busy, drq
set, err set)

Regards, Oliver

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