> Hi
> It's a longshot. But recently I aquired two BA11-N. One is just the cage
> and power supply. Looks just like this:
> http://www.ricomputermuseum.org/_/rsrc/1300059803599/Home/equipment/dec-pdp-11-03/DEC_PDP-11_03-inside.jpg
> The other came with mounting box but no front panel. I would like to
> make it complete with the white front bezel seen here:
> http://hampage.hu/pdp11/kepek/11-03.jpg
> Does anyone have one for sale?
> The greyish plastic arround the front panel would be a bonus since mine
> got a small crack in it.
> Regards,
> Pontus.

I've been after one for a while, too. I was very kindly offered one from a 
listmember who would have
taken it off his own machine, but I felt that would have deprived that box.

I've tried DEC resellers but no luck there.

If I can get accurate measurements I think i should be able to knock up a CAD 
drawing and construct
a passable replica from styrene sheet, a material with which I am very familiar 
working with. I have
a number of large sheets of it in different thicknesses already.

So if anyone can take some photos and measurements for me I'll add this project 
to the pile :)


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