it appears  the  pen kit  for  our  plotter   got  listed   before  we  had 
it  glassed  in living the  glassed in   display a areas   if anyone  has a 
calcomp box  with the solenoid and  pens   that is  extra to their needs 
please let us  know
many thanks  Ed Sharpe archivist  for smecc _www.smecc.org_ 

In a message dated 12/23/2015 6:28:28 A.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

Surely  there is a copy of CalComp Host Computer Basic Software (HCBS) 
around  somewhere that talks to the XY11. After all the Calcomp is pretty 
All  it can do is move 1 step at once, well it can do diagonals as well, 
but pretty  thick...


> -----Original Message-----
>  From: cctalk [] On Behalf Of  Stefan
> Skoglund (lokal användare)
> Sent: 23 December 2015  11:07
> To:
> Subject: Re: XY11 Manual,  Anyone?
> > > Then for software I found a  diagnostic, XXYAD0 that supposedly
> > > should draw a square and  a rectangle.
> > >
> > > Anyone know of other drawing  software that uses the XY11
> > >
> > >  /Mattis
> >
> > The book 'The Minicomputer in the  Laboratory' by James W Cooper covers
> > using an X-Y plotter with an  11/05, and has assembly listings and a
> > whole bunch of related  stuff about scientific plotting. Also a lot of
> > info on using the  LPS-
> > 11 too.
> > There are plenty of copies out there  and quite cheap too. It's an
> > excellent book and could be of use  to you.
> >
> > Steve.
> >
> Boken  finns i Umeå universitets boksamling (även på
>  fysikinstitutionen.)
> Det verkar inte finnas något exemplar i Uppsala  däremot. :-) Kastad ?

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