I’m not sure to what degree one can/wish to build there own car. If one puts their mind to it; then anything is possible. I’m sure this applies only to die-hard builders and not representative of the ‘average’ guy/gal. One, and I may be stereotyping here, does not have the time to build much of anything is this hurried world we inhabit. I know this website caters to the experimenter/hobbyist in the computing world but I wonder how many of us have the time/inclination to build an old machine. I recently tried to revive my Coleco ADAM but couldn’t find old capacitors/transformers – maybe in America they’re available! (I could run an emulator on my PC/Mac but to what end? It’s definitely not the same as running the real thing is it?) As for new machines I guess there are builders /programmers of Raspberry Pi’s but they have a limited use for power users and for ‘old’ computer aficionados of classic computing era! Do young people want to do this? They may be computer savvy but I don’t think too many have an interest in building anything, particularly from the vintage era. My friend’s grandson, he’s 7, told me the computer is a tool for getting ahead not for looking back. Yikes!
Happy computing! Murray :)