On 27 January 2016 at 07:18, Mark J. Blair <n...@nf6x.net> wrote:
> That XDFCOPY.EXE from the BonusPak ISO also has the same issue under MS-DOS 
> 6.22 on the PS/2. However, I got an OS/2 prompt from the first two floppies 
> of the OS/2 Warp Connect 3.0 set (which are regular 1.44M floppies), and then 
> I can CD to the DOS 6.22 HD and use that XDFCOPY.EXE to write the images. Yay!
> This is like a text adventure.


Yes, it is a bit, isn't it?

I actually bought OS/2 with my own money. I was always extremely
averse to doing that.

It was good for its time, but NT 3.x was technically superior, just
lacking in the UI department.

Win95 brought a better UI. NT 4 combined them and Windows 2000 brought
them together -- NT with Plug&play, power management etc.

I don't like to have to say it, but Windows was better than OS/2. And
Windows drove the rest of the industry onwards, to better it.

Which, now, with Ubuntu and RHEL and Mac OS X and iOS and Android, it
has, I reckon.

Today there is eComStation. I have review copies but I've never got it
100% working. I may need to dedicate a machine to it. :¬(

I miss OS/2, just as something genuinely /different/ in the greater
DOS family -- but really, NT was better in almost every way. Less
flexible by far, but also far more polished and stable. (E.g. I could
reliably kernel-trap an OS/2 machine with Fractint, one of my
favourite apps.)

But trying the modern version today brings the bad memories flooding
back, I'm afraid... Of multi-thousand-line CONFIG.SYS files, of
juggling drivers (PATA versus SATA today, for example), of patchy or
missing hardware support etc.

Liam Proven • Profile: http://lproven.livejournal.com/profile
Email: lpro...@cix.co.uk • GMail/G+/Twitter/Flickr/Facebook: lproven
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