I can confirm much of Guy's comments.

I want to keep this as short as possible and not get booted from the mailing list. The Intel/CISC version of AIX is easily available out on the Internet via floppy disc images. Along with AIX's predecessor, RT.

The IBM RT software was developed for IBM by Interactive Systems Corp.
AIX for PS/2 & PC's was developed by Locus Computing Corp.

Lower end model PS/2's came with ISA expansion slots. Higher end models were MCA (Micro Channel Architecture).

Also, regarding the PS/2 BIOS, is something I was completely unaware of, or at least forgot a long time ago, concerning dual BIOS's. Quoting the Wikipedia PS/2 page:::

IBM's PS/2 was designed to remain software compatible with their PC/AT/XT line of computers upon which the large PC clone market was built, but the hardware was quite different. PS/2 had two BIOSes; one was named ABIOS (Advanced BIOS) which provided a new protected mode interface and was used by OS/2, and the other was named CBIOS (Compatible BIOS) which was included in order for the PS/2 to be software compatible with the PC/AT/XT. CBIOS was so compatible that it even included Cassette BASIC.

As I review the AIX 1.3 software, I see both ISA and MCA devices in the drivers section.

Good times.....  :)


On 02/ 1/16 05:16 PM, Guy Sotomayor wrote:

Good luck in finding media for AIX PS/2.  As far as I know, it was never 
released on
CDROM and the last version I had was ~53 3.5” floppies (long gone now 
and *only* worked on specific PS/2 hardware (no BIOS — all drivers went straight
to the “metal”).

TTFN - Guy

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