On Sat, Feb 20, 2016 at 1:31 PM, GerardCJAT <gerardc...@free.fr> wrote: > Which is your favourite ? Why you like it and would recommend it ? and .... > How often you use it ?
If you are primarily asking about traditional big box with large number of parallel channel logic analyzers (as opposed to 8/16 channel USB based analyzers) I don't think you could go wrong with an HP / Agilent 16700 series if you have the room to set one up. At least in the US you should be able to pick up a bare mainframe somewhere around $100, which shouldn't be much more than any older generation HP / Agilent logic analyzers. Plug in logic analyzer modules shouldn't cost too much and are readily available, along with the necessary breakout lead sets and grabbers. With a 16700 series you can hook up an external monitor at up to 1280x1024 or optionally 1600x1200 and you can see a lot of information simultaneously. Much more so than on the older series with built in CRT displays. For vintage micro work there were lots of CPU interfaces available, although they are not always easy to find. I have the following set of CPU preprocessor modules which mate with a 10269C interface for use with HP / Agilent logic analyzers: 10300B (64683A) Z80 10304B (64655A) 8085 10305B (64653A) 8086/8088 10307B (64672B) 6800/6802 10308B (64671A) 6809/6809E 10311B (64670A) 68000/68010 10312B (64657A) 80286 10314B (64659A) 80386 10342B RS-232C/V.24, RS-499, HP-IB bus preprocessor interface. Also an E2423A SCSI bus preprocessor interface. I have HP / Agilent 1660C, 16500A/B/C, 16600A, 16700A/B, 16702B, and 16900A analyzers. Most often (which isn't really all that often) I would likely use a 16700B. I should get a 16700B set up with the E2423A SCSI probe to take a look at what is going on when I try to use an Emulex UC07 SCSI controller with some hard drives that it doesn't seem to like. I also have Tek TLA714/720/721 and TLA7016 logic analyzers. They don't quite seem as natural to use to me as the HP / Agilent analyzers. Also the cables and breakout lead sets seem to typically be more expensive than the HP / Agilent ones. -Glen