Well, it started with 'Unidentified DEC gear available, NSW-AU'...
A few weeks ago you saw some poor quality photos Jay posted from someone who 
had found a PDP-11 of some sort.
It seems no-one could identify it or the ancillary equipment at the time. As it 
happened to be located here
in Oz, and only in the next state, I thought it was worth a gamble on going to 
rescue it even though it was
hundreds of kays/miles away and would mean a few days driving.

So I took last Thursday and Friday off work to drive down in my ute from 
Brisbane to the gear's location. I drove
the inland highway and just camped along the way each evening. The weather was 
very warm and pleasant. During the
evenings the mozzies were out in force, biting.

Arriving at the location first thing Saturday morning (as I had camped the 
second night nearby) I was shown the
horse stables where the gear was stored. It was near an entrance and the top of 
the rack was covered with a tarp.

The rack was sitting directly on the dirt floor. The stables hadn't been used 
for decades as such and there was a
lot of mouse and other animal droppings on everything. The front of the rack 
was against some horse tying-up posts
so we got to work levering it away from them to get to the front, for which I 
had brought gloves.


At this point I realised what I was looking at. It was a Foxboro Fox 2 
computer, essentially a rebadged PDP-11/20.

A while ago I had by chance downloaded and looked at the very same brochure for 
this machine, I think perhaps
because it had been mentioned here. So I was able to identify it immediately. 
This is that brochure:

The cabinet was about two and a half 19" rack-widths wide, painted lime green 
and with custom industrial control
equipment to the left and the computer, paper tape reader and expansion box in 
the right. The half width section
contained a series of power supplies. almost all cables had Winchester MRAC 
connectors on them (visible in the
original photos, and I happened to have a need for some for my Diablos).

There were no peripherals of any sort apart from the paper tape reader and the 
custom A-D I/O. No disc drives nor
the fabulous drum shown in the brochure.

At the bottom of the computer rack section there was a very sad PDP-11/05, 
missing its console, and full of mud.
Being at the bottom it had been flooded over the years and was silted up. It 
had a cable to the BA-11 expansion

I started by removing the 11/05, as there was a (very very) slim chance I might 
be able to use it for some spares,
and I had a need for the BC-5 Power Control Unit in the chassis anyway. This 
machine was not on rack slides but
just lying on the bottom on the dirt. Surprisingly the paper label on the top 
panel was still partly legible,
considering the immersion.

Next I worked on removing the BA-11. It was pretty much empty with only a small 
Unibus backplane.
After that I attended to the Fox 2, and before long after a lot of sweating we 
had the machine out and ready to
load onto my ute.

Finally I removed the Foxboro paper tape reader. The tape holders each side 
slide up to reveal the rack mounting
screws. Onto the ute it went.

There were some other racks of gear, but all custom idustrial control  
equipment. One rack had a DEC A-D Converter
in it with some serious cables connected to some backplanes of the smaller Flip 
Chip modules. I grabbed the A-D
and Flip Chips.

There is an identical DEC A-D on eBay at the moment which shows you what it's 

The I/O for the machine was (I believe) an ASR-35 the bigger brother to the 
ASR-33. I couldn't take it, it was
wedged in behind the other racks and I had only a limited amount of time to 
load the equipment before I had to
head back interstate to home. I did not see any sign of the optional I/O 
Selectrics shown in the brochure, as I
would definately have liked to have found those if I could have! I don't think 
this machine had them, only the
ASR-35, as no printout I found appeared to be done by a Selectric.

There was a smallish dumb terminal under some junk, this didn't have any brand 
or logo on it. Can anyone identify
it perhaps?

Loaded the gear and the unmanaged mass of paper tape on, sort it out later!

There were removalists boxes of documentation, so many I had no chance to go 
through more than half a dozen. In
the ones I went through, I found manuals for the Fox 2, DEC printsets, printset 
for the 11/05, PDP-9 manuals,
Honeywell 716 and Westinghouse manuals. I found a CDC disc pack that seems to 
be suitable for an RM03. Once again
no PDP-9 (that I could identify as such!), peripherals or any other piece of 
hardware that these manuals were
for was evident anywhere (I looked!!). No sign of any early DEC units such as 
RP01 02 03 or the like, nor PC04 or

After looking at the Foxboro documentation it seems the Fox 2 ran an 
application called 'FOXY' which controlled
the coking oxygenation plant at Port Kembla steelworks from about 1972 to the 
mid-late 1970s. Documents indicated
the PDP-9 controlled the steelworks plate rolling mill. I have no idea (yet) 
what the Honeywell and Westinghouse
machines did.

One curious thing was, I was allowed to take the machines, documentation and so 
on, but not the rack slides nor
any part of them. They were to stay with the cabinets. Yes I did mention they 
were specific to the equipment and
probably no use for any newer equipment. So it's going to be another long 
process of making or adapting rack
slides as I have already been doing for my other gear.

As soon as I had finished loading I left gor home. After an overnight rest stop 
near a nice lake, I was back home
in Brisbane on Sunday arvo. Here is the haul before I started unloading:

I've contacted others about the need to recover the rest of the gear and 
especially the boxes, so I'll see what
happens in that respect. I must thank Jay for putting me in touch with the 
relevant people. All in all it was I
think a worthwhile 1651km (1025 mile) round trip!


(Top posting my reply here - yes I don't normally do it nor condone it, but it 
in this case suited my lengthy post)

---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: Unidentified DEC gear available, NSW-AU
From:    "Jay West" <jw...@classiccmp.org>
Date:    Fri, January 29, 2016 6:11 am
To:      cctalk@classiccmp.org

> DEC Gear available. Unlike most dec gear, I must admit that I can't identify
> exactly what this is. Several racks, I was guessing AFT or Instrumentation
> Testing. Looks like one or more cpu or expansion cabinets in some of the
> racks, and some DEC AD/DA interface stuff. I was left with the impression
> that there may be one or more racks that are not shown in the pictures
> provided. I was told that racks are in "several different buildings on the
> estate" (residential). The first rack looks to be in very bad shape (perhaps
> a power supply), but the other racks don't look so bad.
> I am not sure that I can get more pictures from the owner, but will try. I
> think that in order to get pictures of the fronts (what we all probably want
> to see), the owner would have to move stuff (and them) and would rather not.
> The equipment is located in NSW, Australia. It sound like they just want it
> to go to a good home.
> If someone is local to NSW Australia and wants to spearhead going onsite to
> take a closer look for others and/or pick up the gear themselves, let me
> know offlist and I'll give you the contact info.

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