On Wed, Mar 9, 2016 at 8:15 AM, Guy Sotomayor <g...@shiresoft.com> wrote:
>> On Mar 8, 2016, at 11:12 AM, Henk Gooijen <henk.gooi...@hotmail.com> wrote:
>> -----Oorspronkelijk bericht----- From: Guy Sotomayor
>> Sent: Tuesday, March 08, 2016 7:17 PM
>> To: General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts
>> Subject: Re: MEM11A questions
>>> On Mar 8, 2016, at 10:11 AM, Henk Gooijen <henk.gooi...@hotmail.com> wrote:
>>> Guy,
>>> I have one 11/20. CPU state unknown ... but the card cage only has the CPU.
>>> So I would be glad to get some memory.   Plenty of space left for other
>>> interfaces, so the MEM11 would be sufficient for me. 128 KW is probably
>>> overkill. The 11/20 can only address up to 64 KW, correct?
>>> Depending cost, I am seriously interested in one MEM11.
>> The 11/20 can address only 32KW (64KB).  You need an MMU to access
>> more.
>> TTFN - Guy
>> ---------
>> Ah yes, of course Guy!  The 32 kW vs. 64 kB error. I'll never learn ;-)
>> The 11/20 did never have an MMU (AFAIK).
>> Will the MEM11 come in "flavors" regarding the installed amount of FRAM?
>> (32/64/128KW)
> No, it will only have 128KW.  Since it’s a single FRAM part, I’m not going to
> try and “stock” different flavors (especially since I’ll be having the boards
> assembled at the board house).

But you will do something to allow memory to be switched in and out? I
presume this thing wouldn't work in an 11/20 unless it was strapped
back to 32KW? Or will the 11/20 be happy and simply ignore the
unaddressable memory beyond 32KW?


'No greater love hath a man than he lay down his life for his brother.
Not for millions, not for glory, not for fame.
For one person, in the dark, where no one will ever know or see.'

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