On 08/03/16 23:21, Peter Coghlan wrote:

Savesets produced using VMS BACKUP are the ideal way to archive your VMS system.
They will save everything you need in a format which can be restored onto any
disk big enough to hold the data, selectively if necessary, while dealing with
any errors on the input or output media.  BACKUP can be run standalone or under
Ideally you would use standalone backup. With most systems you would backup to tape or to another disk. Or you would boot into a cluster (i.e. boot off something other than your system disk) and backup that

I doubt that either of those is viable on a VAX-11/730. You can't easily hook up a second disk and I'm almost certain that a network boot is not possible. I don't think that you could connect a VAX-11/730 to a CI-cluster, and even if you could, you are not likely to have the kit available.

If you have a tape drive, you could use standalone backup to backup to tape and then shift that to another
system (or SIMH) and preserve the saveset that way.

I remember having the same issue as a system manager on a VAX-11/750. There was no network boot, so the
only option was to use SABKP and a spare disk.


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