On 2016-Mar-17, at 10:11 PM, dwight wrote:
> Also, I've found a source for 5.185MHz crystals.
> ACE Components has some. They are in San Jose, on Oakland Rd.
> Dwight

I have two items which use 4004 procs, one is a Prolog M900B E/PROM programmer 
ca. 1979.
The manual includes the firmware source. (Somewhat bizarrely, it's 
typed/printed onto coding forms.)
Here are the first two pages (photos, not scanned). 

I've had to do some reverse engineering and work on the hardware (can provide 
schematic) but haven't sat down to examine the firmware.
There are 12 more pages if it's of interest. It's not quite a complete program 
though, the plugin modules have chip-specific subroutines in more onboard 
1702s, and those aren't included in the source provided.
I do have ROM dumps for two of the modules that could be disassembled.

I had a failed 4201 chip (clock gen), it would be nice to come across a 
replacement, but solved the problem with a substitute made from 3 CMOS chips. 

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