On Thu, 21 Apr 2016, Rich Alderson wrote:
> Yes, and if you'd actually paid attention to what they were teaching you,
> instead of whinging about commercial viability

Well, let's keep things non-personal and civil and agree to disagree.  If
you knew me better, I doubt you'd say this.  It'd just devolve into a VHS
vs Betamax (vi vs emacs?) thread anyway.  :-)

Sorry to punch on anyone's fav if you are a LISP fan.  I have bad memories 
and some fundamental problem with the language that come from my own 
negative experiences. Just write it off as a personal problem (mine).

> Tell me about having to get work done on a 12K 1401, and maybe I'll
> listen.  In the mean time, get off my lawn, kid.

My first computer was a Timex Sinclair 1000 with 2k of RAM (granted it had 
an 8-bit Z80 rather than a 1401 6-bit CPU), and I'm not whining about it.  
It was fun.

Anyhow, I'm not here to troll you or others.  Sorry if my post annoyed 


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