I did not use the H800, but I cut my computing teeth on smaller Harris models 
in college (where my work study job was in the computer center, and I was also 
a computer science major) and then part-time employment afterwards with the 
Army Corps of Engineers, which was big on Harris computers at the time.  This 
was in the late 1970s to mid-1980s.  I used first a model H150 and then the 
H550 after they upgraded.  I even worked for a contractor part-time who had a 
Harris H120 (I think that was the model number) in his basement for engineering 
computing.  I don't remember what models the Army COE used at the time - H500s 
of one variant or another I believe.

I thought these Harris computers were all a great system, the bees knees as far 
as I was concerned, far better than any full-blown PDP-11 system at the time 
(and no doubt cost more as well at the time).  There are documents on these 
systems on Bitsavers.  Everything was blue in color, and the console was a CRT 
that ran in block transmission mode, grabbing either one full line or the 
entire page off the screen at a time, feeding into the DMCP board.  The H150 we 
had in college had two 80 Mbyte CDC drives, and later we added a 300 Mbyte CDC 
drive when we upgraded to the H550 model.  The tape drive was a non-vacuum 1600 
bpi drive, and I spent many hours backing up the system onto tape, and then 
swapping drive packs and downloading everything again.  I vaguely recall that 
we did that drive swapping once a week in the wee hours of the morning.

The Vulcan Operation System (VOS), which later was called VMS, I thought was a 
cool system, but then I didn't have anything to compare it against.  We had 
Fortran, Basic, Cobal, RPGII, and assembler, plus a version of Runoff so 
students could write papers that got printed on a Diablo.  I spent many hours 
on that system after hours (I had a key to the college computer center), and 
even started writing my own tape operating system for fun.  We had terminals 
strung all over campus feeding into the system, connected by long runs of 
serial cables in the heating tunnels; I spent many hours in those heating 
tunnels as well, as we had to fix things every time lightning from storms would 
take out the RS232 chips at either the terminals or on the DMCP board in the 
computer.  I got to know the area Harris field engineer pretty well - he was a 
chain-smoker that constantly had a cigarette in his mouth, even while working 
on the computer.  I watched him do many a system upgrade to boards, which were 
all discrete TTL chips and parts that were wire-wrapped at that time.

I'd love to know if any Harris computers still exist today.  The ones I knew 
were all scrapped out years ago. I know if I tried to use one today, I'd get 
really frustrated with the OS, being as used to Linux/Unix as I am today.  
Harris did come out with a Unix OS for their computers in the mid-1980s, but I 
never used it.

Fond memories.

Kevin Anderson

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