Hey all --

I'm researching what I need to have on hand to get 4.2BSD installed running on my 11/750. I'm pretty close to having mass storage working, I have a SCSI TMSCP tape controller that should do the job in conjunction with a SCSI 9-track drive, and the VAX itself seems to be happy. What I don't have is a copy of the TU58 cassette that would have been provided with the 4.2BSD distribution (at least, according to the installation documents). This contains utilities for formatting the disk and copying the root filesystem (from a *real* tape drive) to the root partition, so they're pretty essential for bringing a machine up from scratch.

If I had a SCSI *disk* controller, I could cheat and do the installation on SIMH (which avoids using the TU58 by cheating in a different way) and DD the whole thing over, but I'm not so blessed.

I can't seem to track down a copy of this TU58 on the 'net -- anyone have one squirreled away somewhere, or know where I should be looking?


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