Update on NDwiki:

On Fri, Apr 22, 2016 at 2:52 PM, Tor Arntsen <kspt....@gmail.com> wrote:
> We (a few of us, including at least one more member of this list) used
> to document everything ND we could figure out on the 'ndwiki.org'
> site, but for unknown reasons (to me at least) it started going
> offline more and more a couple of years back, and then never came
> back. I didn't manage to get archive.org to copy everything before it
> went, although I got quite a few pages archived before it went for
> good. Without that site there's not much available on the net. Another
> reason my work on this stopped.

I've been in contact with the persons responsible for NDwiki.
Unfortunately, the Swedish gentleman who ran ndwiki.org got very busy
with real life just after his server died, and still hasn't found time
to get a new server up.
The contingency plan was put in motion; the necessary data was sent to
another Swedish gentleman so that he could set up a server and get
NDwiki up on that. Bad luck again; he also got too busy with real
life. He doesn't expect to be able to get the server up until this
fall. :-/
I'm currently investigating if me running the server as a temporary
solution (until the Swedes have time to take over) is something they
could agree on.
There might be hope for NDwiki yet.
Torfinn Ingolfsen

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