GE used black on their computers for the workmasters witch where IBM 5150's
On May 13, 2016 7:29 PM, "Tor Arntsen" <> wrote:

> On 14 May 2016 at 00:20, William Donzelli <> wrote:
> > Do not blame the computer companies, blame the customers. Beige and
> > gray were the colors they wanted.
> When companies buy, someone will have to approve (that is, provide the
> money). That's often the company's own beancounters.. Engineer:
> "We'll need this particular computer. This here model will do."
> Beancounter (looking in sales brochure): "Purple? We don't do that
> kind of thing here. This other model will do, surely" (points to beige
> version).

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