> On May 27, 2016, at 3:25 PM, Fred Cisin <ci...@xenosoft.com> wrote:
> ...
> Anyway, back to, . . .
> Clancy and Harvey reworked the UC undergraduate lower division (first two 
> years) curriculum.  They setup a three course sequence at the core, 
> consisting of "Abstraction", "Data Structures", and "Demystification". They 
> called a meeting of local CS departments to tell us what we should switch 
> over to teaching.

Those first two titles sound reasonable.  The third sounds strangely 
touchy-feely rather than like an engineering course.

> ...
> They declared, "Nobody programs in Assembly language any more, nor ever will 
> again."
> ...
> They had a brilliant visionary concept of CS education.

I would not put it that way.  "Brilliant" is a term of praise, as is 

Someone who claims that "nobody programs in assembly language any more nor will 
ever again" does not merit those adjectives.  The correct adjectives would be 
"ignorant" and "myopic".  Those are the correct terms because their assertion 
is valid only if you limit yourself to a limited class of programmers, and 
ignore compiler writers, diagnostics programmers, BIOS engineers, bootloader 
programmers, or embedded systems developers, just to name a few.

I'm surprised that such people would be working at a supposedly highly regarded 
outfit like Berkeley.


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