> From: Rod Smallwood

    > On switch on the console display comes up. Whilst it performs the same
    > functions as the one in the manual it looks different.

Hmm. Does it seem like a DEC EPROM, or someone else's? The 11/84 (very
similar CPU) has a 'list' command which lists all the various EPROM's; does
you console emulator provide that?

    > What ever I do by way of setting up devices I can't get it to talk to
    > the RX211.

Try stopping the console emulator and falling into ODT, and seeing if you can
see the RK211's registers from ODT. If not, does the 11/94 have that 'map'
command in the console emulator that the 11/84 does?

Another thing to try is, if you have some other UNIBUS device, plugging that
in, and seeing if the CPU can 'see' it.


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