On 14 July 2016 at 22:51, Jerry Kemp <ot...@oryx.us> wrote:
> I'm missing something here.  Although most did/are using the Apple supplied
> GUI/Aqua, it wasn't a requirement.
> I have/run OpenWindows (compiled for OS X/PPC), and also, although mostly
> for fun, have a copy of the Mosaic web browser, also compiled for OS X/PPC.
> Aside from the Netinfo directory server, from a basic level, you can pretty
> much do & run anything you would on Solaris, Unix, *BSD or Lunix.  What OS X
> didn't ship with wasn't too hard to compile on my own.



I did not think it was possible to boot OS X in multiuser mode
_without_ loading Aqua and the desktop. Am I wrong?

Darwin, maybe, but AFAIK Darwin isn't maintained any more, is it?

> In defense of OS/2, I went from straight DOS to OS/2 1.3.  I was taking a
> lot of college programming classes, and in Assembly language specifically, I
> found any number of ways to blow things up and loose my work.  OS/2 truly
> provided a "better DOS than DOS", and I could blow up a DOS session with my
> Assembly code and go right on working.

Interesting. I didn't do much programming on OS/2, more on plain old
DOS, but I could readily crash my OS/2 2 home PC with Fractint. Its
fancy video modes could instantly cause OS/2 to throw an exception and

> Applications are/were a long story on OS/2, that I could write volumes on,
> but in short, if you wanted to play games, DOS and later, Windows was the
> place to be.  Or the more 2000+ updated answer, on a game console.

Hmmm. I take your point. I was never a gamer and Win3 apps ran great
on OS/2 2, IME.

> OTOH, how many word processors/spreadsheets/presentation programs does one
> need per OS?

:-) Variety is the spice of life?

> From a technical perspective, the only big problem I had with OS/2, back in
> the 1990's, was the single thread input queue on the new OOUI, WPS (Work
> Place Shell).

Indeed. And honestly WPS was really not all that as a shell. I place
it down there with Amiga Intuition in its clunkiness. Classic MacOS,
OS X and Win9x were all slicker and more capable IMHO.

> OS/2 is now sold under the name "eComStation" and boots from JFS2 volumes.

Indeed. I've tried it. It's just as much of a PITA to install as it
was 20y ago. :-(

> In summary, back in the early 1990's, I moved to OS/2.  I didn't do it to
> get some application I needed, I moved for stability in the Wintel world.
> And for me, it did a great job.

I went from OS/2 2 to the beta of Win95, and then, later, to NT 4. At
work, I used NT 3 -- for me, 3.51 was a classic version. No fancy UI
but solid and capable. By modern standards, fast, too.

Liam Proven • Profile: http://lproven.livejournal.com/profile
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