On 21 July 2016 at 16:45, Lars Brinkhoff <l...@nocrew.org> wrote:
> I have both the ARM and the 6502 instruction sets very fresh in my mind
> right now.  I don't see how the ARM could be a 6502 knockoff, even
> without that sauce.  Care to explain in more detail?

This is a matter of historical record, AIUI.


There's a little more here:


In essence, Wilson designed it and Furber implemented it. Wilson knew
6502 inside-out and had been designing 6502 systems while still a
student, before Acorn existed, so it inspired the ARM ISA, rather than
ARM actually being based on it.

6502 is widely held as being, if not actually RISC, then at least
RISC-like, or as Brits put it, RISCy.



Liam Proven • Profile: http://lproven.livejournal.com/profile
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