Want a smallish mainframe? Dan de Long (info at bottom, contact him directly) has an IBM 4361 system available. Also a bunch of peripherals and more modems than I've ever seen in one place. I bought an IBM 2540 card read punch from him and picked it up in person. I have some photos of the trip dumped from my camera here:


Stuff's in Sacramento, CA. It's all buried under piles of modems, and I do mean buried. It will take some work to get to the interesting stuff, but he's willing to help extricate items of interest. He actually climbed up and over a 6' high wall of modems to get some 3178 terminal displays. Also, you have to crawl through holes in shelving units to get to some stuff.
I did to see some unit record stuff (552, 557 I think).

The 4361 and EMC disk arrays, tape systems attached to it are not too hard to get to. It's not free, or even cheap, he's asking $6000 but I'm sure he's willing to negotiate. It's supposed to be up and running and demonstrable.

The guy has many more IBM peripherals.
129's 029's 3178's 3278's 3203's 3370, 3741, 3742, more EMC disk systems, 3880 controller...

Contact him directly, he loves to talk about the system.



I have 12 StorageTek 4674 tape drives available at $75 each. They are 1600/6250 9 track.
Also 2 StorageTek 4670 control units, $125 each.
Four IBM 3480 tape drive, $300 each.
Also available IBM 3370 FBA drives and controller.


Dan de Long
R&D Data Corp
2425 24th Street
Sacramento Ca 95818
Phone 916 452 8233

Vintage computers and electronics

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