There is a nice HP-16C emulator for Windows - and Android.

Also has Java version

(and sources)
Keven Miller

----- Original Message ----- From: "Marc Howard" <> To: "General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts" <>
Sent: Wed 07 Sep 2016 09:53 AM
Subject: Re: HP-35/45 Simulator for PDP-8

I'd vote for the HP-1xC line myself.  You can get 5 different calculators
(financial, 3 x scientific and programmer) for nearly the effort of the
first one.

The HP-16C ( would be especially helpful
as it can easily be converted to calculate with a 12 bit with carry width
and octal operation with just a few keystrokes.  Even does 1's
complement/18 bits if you happen to have a PDP-1 lying around.

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