---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: Data on a Platter!
From:    "Jason T" <silent...@gmail.com>
Date:    Fri, October 7, 2016 3:32 pm
To:      "General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts" 

> Here's a scan - and special bonus audio tracks - of a brochure and 7"
> record I found on ebay recently:
> http://chiclassiccomp.org/docs/index.php?dir=%2Fcomputing/EG%26G
> "Data on a Platter" from a company called EG&G (anyone heard of them?)
> describes their vinyl (as in analog audio record) data storage scheme
> and how it will fit into your business.  There's no date anywhere but
> the brochure is a great example of 60s typefaces, not to mention
> language.  The recording includes examples of how the data sounds if
> played on a regular phonograph.  Who's up for decoding it?
> -j

Wow! Grooooo-vy! And really for the (italics)now generation as it says.
Surmising it was from no earlier than 1967 as the phrase 'Listen Here' could
well allude to the popular (ok, awesome) jazz piece by Eddie Harris that
came out in that year (it's on Youtube). It also mentions 'during later 1970
and 1971' so I'd say 1969/70 as a guess. I wonder if any of those devices
still exist?
Thanks for the interesting post,


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