I've just dug out and inventoried two boxes of magnetic media. A little of it is not mine; a little more is stuff I'd like copies of if I can make it happen.
But most of it is just going to leave soon, one way or another. I'd rather see it go to someone who can actually use it, but it is not worth the costs of keeping it around to me. I do not currently have any system on which I can check the contents of any of these (while it's possible I might get one or more set up, I can't count on it, and it's unlikely to happen soon). So, while the labeling might be accurate, it also might not. There are a bunch of TK50s (or something similar; I know there are other, similar, tapes, some similar enough to fool a quick inspection; I didn't look in detail to be sure every one is a TK50). They have labels, some printed, some scribbled, some carefully handwritten. Here, \ indicates a line break. SW/gnu \ Nov 28/91 /usr/local \ 91/10/26 6.0 + 797493 ULTRIX V4.2 \ SUPPORTED SUBSETS \ VOL. 1 ULTRIX V4.2 \ SUPPORTED SUBSETS \ VOL. 2 Sunclock \ 91/11/21 AQ-PE1F0-01 C01 \ DEC FORT ULTRIX V3.2 BIN \ TK50 AQ-PE1F0-01 \ DEC FORT ULTRIX V3.2 BIN \ TK50 ULTRIX V4.2 \ MANDATORY UPGRADE Kermit5A \ 91/11/21 DEC FORTRAN \ V3.0 (crossed out and "obsolete" written in) K2 /usr/local \ 1991/03/14 LOTUS 1-2-3 \ 91/11/19 /usr/users \ 91/10/20 swTeX.tar.Z \ 91/11/02 ULTRIX V4.2 \ UNSUPPORTED SUBSETS There are numerous quarter-inch cartridge tapes (the DC600 formfactor; many are DC600s or DC600As, but some are other sizes/lengths/formats). Some have no label. Three of these have absolutely no label, not even a manufacturer/brand label. Nine more have a brand label but no indication of their contents. One has a printed label which has been ripped off enough that all I'm sure of is that it had the usual boilerplate text for US Government users. Two others have ripped-off labels; on one, all that remains legible is "tix" at the end of a word; the other, I can see enough of a logo to be fairly sure it was an Accelr8 label. Four more have labels that are short and simple enough to fit on a single line: 89/02/22(F) ISC0D0S0 TO BE CHECKED 89/02/17 ISC0D0S0 /files! execlude ./digests & ./misc 90/10/08 cd /files Twenty-six tapes are labeled with just their sizes. These are written in my hand, so I feel fairly sure they are the result of me capcity-testing the tapes: SIZE: 30605 ×512 SIZE: 30643 ×512 SIZE: 30611 ×512 SIZE: 30730 ×512 SIZE: 30730 ×512 SIZE: 114081 ×512 SIZE: 115168 ×512 SIZE: 116769 ×512 SIZE: 118878 ×512 SIZE: 119721 ×512 SIZE: 119870 ×512 SIZE: 119891 ×512 SIZE: 120345 ×512 SIZE: 120352 ×512 SIZE: 120412 ×512 SIZE: 120586 ×512 SIZE: 120741 ×512 SIZE: 120756 ×512 SIZE: 121719 ×512 SIZE: 121722 ×512 SIZE: 121917 ×512 SIZE: 122116 ×512 SIZE: 122343 ×512 SIZE: 122608 ×512 SIZE: 122664 ×512 201796×512 Five more have sticky-notes (one on the box, one on the tape) and a size sticker. I _think_ the 3.5 here refers to version 3.5 or something (SunOS is a likely candidate). -- sticky-note: 3.5 sticky-note: Tape 1 sticker: SIZE: 121372 ×512 -- sticky-note: 3.5 sticky-note: Tape 2 sticker: SIZE: 118586 ×512 -- sticky-note: 3.5 sticky-note: Tape 3 sticker: SIZE: 119293 ×512 -- sticky-note: 3.5 sticky-note: Tape 4 sticker: SIZE: 122624 ×512 -- sticky-note: 3.5 sticky-note: Tape 5 sticker: SIZE: 120216 ×512 -- The rest are a grab-bag: -- NESTAR SYSTEMS INCORPORATED S.O. # INT4406 PLAN 5000 (tm) Boot Utility Tape QIC24 SERIAL # 6050221 SYSTEM RELEASE 5.2 (C) 1982-1986 NESTAR SYSTEMS, INC. -- NESTAR SYSTEMS INCORPORATED S.O. # INT4406 PLAN 000 (tm) PLANPAK # 712 IA BACKUP TAPE QIC SERIAL # 6060238 SYSTEM RELEASE 5 (C) 1982-1986 NESTAR SYSTEMS, INC. -- Nestar Systems, Inc. Subsidiary of DSC Communications Corporation PLAN Series (tm) Boot Uility Tape QIC-24 FS# UPGRADE Star Plus FS Release 1.10 160-12676-002 (c)1982-1988 DSC Nestar Inc -- various indistinct writing; legible bits include: 90/2/19 /FICRSI 90/04/10 DIGEST NeXT, SUN-SPOTS, SUN-386i 92/12/19 -- /HOME/ICH 10/10/90 , 11/17/90, 16/15/90 1/30/91 2/1/91 22.4.91 -- 3/15, 5/8, 7/26 (various further dates and words crossed out) SUG89 (INTERESTING STUFF ONLY) 90/12/16 -- IFUJ1 IFUJ1 90/03/19 TAR HOME/ICH 92/12/10 89/3/8 MPAQUETT 90/04/30 89/5/1 MPAQUETT 90/05/25 (indistinct) / 92/12/08 -- LAB B YEAR END 2/2 -- LAB J A3 MAY 7/93 -- LAB F YEAR END 1/2 -- LAB F YEAR END 1/2 -- LAB F YEAR END 1/2 -- LAB F YEAR END 1/2 -- LAB B YEAR END 1/2b -- LAB B 4 OF 4 LAB B 4 4 HP JAN 15 1993 n/u -- (crossed-out text omitted) ABBOTT INCR DUMP OCT-1-87 4 MAY 87 (1of2) -- NESTAR SYSTEMS INCORPORATED PLAN 1000 (tm) Print Server Version 1.1 IA BACKUP TAPE QIC- 11 P/N 160-12170-002 (C) 1981,1982,1983,1984,1985,1986,1987 NESTAR SYSTEMS, INC. Licensed Program -- SUPERSKETCH REL 6 © A. PENTLAND 1985,1986,1987 -- LAB B 3 4 HP JAN 15 1993 -- Fall- 8AT LAB B 1 (unclear) End of Semester backup -- Accelr8 DESCRIPTION DCL8 (2,0) EDT8 (2,0) PART NUMBER 8-812-001, 002 RELEASE #: TAPE 1 OF 1 . NUMBER OF FILES BPI SN: 000646 -- (SUN 3.2 SUNBIN EXPORT 68020 logo) 1.4" Tape (boot format), 2 of 4 Part Number: 700-1256-02 Rev. A -- box: KEE 3.1 Genera 7.1 tape: 3.5 EXPORT SUNBIN 68020 1.4" Tape (boot format), 3 of 5 Part Number: 700-1600-02 Rev. A -- 13/3/89 Relax 1of2 LFRL system and saved results -- 13/3/89 Relax 2of2 -- LAB J A2 MAY 7/93 -- LAB F YEAR END 2/2 -- LAB B 2/4 -- LAB J A1 MAY 7/93 -- There are also a bunch of 5¼" floppies. 34 of them are unlabeled, possibly completely unused: 9x Sony branded, DSDD 48tpi 6x Sony branded, "MD-2HD" 6x 3M branded, DS, DD, RH, MARK Q 9x BASF branded, 2S/2D 48tpi 4x Unbranded The BASF floppies from the above list are marked as being for sale to government and educational institutions only, not for resale; I don't know whether that has any bearing. Of the remaining floppies, some have labels short enough to be reasonably represented on a single line: QuickBasic 1of3 QuickBasic 2of3 QuickBasic 3of3 FW Macros d|i|g|i|t|a|l branded, unlabeled BACKUP MICROVMS 4.1M 28/28 85/10/28 (scratched out) BACKUP MICROVMS 4.1M 27/28 85/10/28 (scratched out) BACKUP MICROVMS 4.1M 26/28 85/10/28 (scratched out) BACKUP MICROVMS 4.1M 25/28 86/10/28 (scratched out) ?ACKUP ????OVMS 4.1M 6/28 85/10/28 (partially ripped off) BACKUP MICROVMS 4.1M 5/28 85/10/28 BACKUP MICROVMS 4.1M 4/28 85/10/28 BACKUP MICROVMS 4.1M 3/28 85/10/28 BACKUP MICROVMS 4.1M 2/28 85/10/28 BACKUP MICROVMS 4.1M 1/28 85/10/28 BACKUP MICROVMS 4.1M 9/28 85/10/28 BACKUP MICROVMS 4.1M 8/28 85/10/28 BACKUP MICROVMS 4.1M 7/28 85/10/28 MS-DOS boot AG2012 Maxell branded, label ripped off, all that's legible is "FEB85" QuickBasic 1 QuickBasic 2 QuickBasic 3 Network Boot DOS 3.1 There is also a set of original Borland Turbo C diskettes: INSTALL/HELP A2B0427471 INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENT COMMAND LINE/UTILITIES LIBRARIES HEADER FILES/LIBRARIES EXAMPLES/BGI/MISC and two sets of six which appear to be working copies of the above. There are three Microsoft-branded floppies: Microsoft Mouse Setup/Mouse Menus 1 Microsoft Paintbrush Program/Mouse Menus 2 Microsoft Paintbrush Utilities Disk and two that don't fit any of the above: -- label partially ripped off: remaining text is BL-N639C-BH P/OS HARD DIS DISPATCH VOLUME LABEL "PROD 1983 © Digital Equipmen -- BitFax for Windows V2.08A (01/25/93) BitCom Deluxe with MNP5 v5.1 (06/20/91) -- This is all in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. In general, I suck at getting things shipped; local pickup, either in person or by proxy, is much preferred. I can try to find the round tuits to ship, but it's usually a losing proposition (I have at least two boxes of stuff that have been awaiting shipment for months at this point). /~\ The ASCII Mouse \ / Ribbon Campaign X Against HTML mo...@rodents-montreal.org / \ Email! 7D C8 61 52 5D E7 2D 39 4E F1 31 3E E8 B3 27 4B