Would anyone care to donate floppy disk flux-transition images for use
in development of utility software and for regression-testing the
same? It would be much appreciated.

Images from "normal" floppy formats (IBM FM and MFM, e.g., TRS-80, IBM
PC, or almost anything using 177x/179x/279x or 765/8272 family
controllers) and obscure formats (DEC RX02, Victor 9000) would be
welcome. I'd especially like to get IBM 23FD "Minnow" disk images, but
I'm not holding my breath for that.

If you send me any images, a brief description of what they might
contain and/or what system they're from would be helpful. I don't need
to be able to do anything with the content; I just want to verify that
I can extract the content from flux images into sector images.

If you send me any images that you don't want made public, let me know.


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