I've been wondering about that one myself.  Very odd.  That's not the first 
time I've seen that either. Along with stuff that 'sells' for absurd amounts of 
At first I though the absurd sales were attempts to manipulate the market.. but 
it doesn't seem worth the effort or ebay fees.  I almost kind of wonder with 
some of them if something more sinister is going on.. like money laundering.  
That'd be a fairly obscure way to do it..

Sent from my Samsung device

-------- Original message --------
From: Corey Cohen <appleco...@optonline.net> 
Date: 2016-11-01  4:43 PM  (GMT-08:00) 
To: cctalk@classiccmp.org 
Subject: What the heck is the deal with this eBay item 


This Helios II has been "sold" multiple times for varying amounts and then 
suddenly hours later appears for sale again.  I'm done bidding on this each 
time it appears, because if I won, who knows what I'd receive or if the seller 
would cancel the auction.  

corey cohen
uǝɥoɔ ʎǝɹoɔ

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