On Sat, Nov 26, 2016 at 8:39 PM, Eric Smith <space...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Now that I have an 8X300 (etc.) disassembler, which I've used to
> disassemble the Western Digital WD1000 and WD1001 firmware, and the Zendex
> ZX-203 firmware, I've become curious as to what other products used the
> SMS300/8X300/8X305.  Does anyone know of any?

The Andromeda WDC11 MFM floppy/hard disk controller uses an 8X305. It
emulates an RX02, and an RK05 or RL01/RL02 or RP02.

I have one. I'm not sure which flavor it is. I've never gotten around
to trying to use it.

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