On 08/01/2017 07:31, "Tony Duell" <ard.p850...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Sat, Jan 7, 2017 at 11:37 PM, Adrian Graham
> <wit...@binarydinosaurs.co.uk> wrote:
>> Evening all,
>> I wish I had the ability to take a board layout and turn it into a logically
>> laid out schematic but as yet I don't. Video sync on my Executel 3910 is
>> still running me round in circles so could one of you fine folk take a look
>> at this board layout drawn as best I can:
>> http://www.binarydinosaurs.co.uk/STCExecutelSyncCircuit.jpg
>> ...and let me know what it does please? The chip on the left is a Plessey
> I don't believe it's correct as drawn. For one thing you have V333, an NPN
> transistor, with the collector grounded (and no -ve supplies on the circuit.
> For
> another, R322 is ridiculously low. And I would expect the anodes of the
> 3 diodes on the RGB outputs to go somewhere other than a resistor to
> ground.

Hm, ok, that's today's task then. For V333 it could be that I just have the
pin numbers reversed but I'll double check. The diodes bothered me too and
I'm trying to think of a better way of tracing unknown lines on the bottom
of the board. My sponge-wrapped-in-tin-foil method isn't infallible.


Binary Dinosaurs creator/curator
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