On 01/11/2017 11:11 PM, Bob Rosenbloom wrote:
On 1/11/2017 8:45 PM, Jon Elson wrote:
I also have an Allen-Bradley 7320, a CNC machine tool control. The heart of it is a 7300 "industrial processor" 16-bit minicomputer. I used it for a year or so to run a retrofitted Bridgeport milling machine, but got tired of it breaking down, which it did fairly often. Once I got EMC from NIST running, the A-B was turned off for good.



I have one of the AB processor units from a 7320 system. The 3264 Industrial Processor. I have spare boards and front panels also. Was there ever any general purpose software available for it? BASIC, FORTRAN, assembler/editor/linker stuff? It would be fun to get it running if there was something fun it could be used for.


I quite doubt it. I suspect it was also used in places where today you'd use a PLC, controlling various industrial processes. It has a board that interfaces to I/O racks that can take 8 I/O modules, and you can have several of these racks per interface. I have digital inputs and outputs, encoder counters and D/A converters, but I think there were a bunch of different types of modules available.

I would GUESS they did software development on some general purpose computer, but really have no idea. Their mini certainly COULD have had assemblers, linkers and such for in-house use. Maybe the industrial control guys used software like that to set up the processes.


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