On 1/14/2017 3:49 PM, Rick Bensene wrote:
I know what you mean about the DC300 carts...what a lousy design...at least from a 
longevity standpoint.  I've had numerous nightmares with those cartridges in a 
number of vintage systems that I've got.    Broken tension bands, sticky tape...just 
plain bad stuff.   Plus, the tape transports in the 4051/4052 are fussy as can be.   
I have a 4907 single 8" floppy disk drive for my 4051, and it works great, but 
I don't have the proper ROMpack module to use it with the 4052, which apparently 
needs a different ROMpack than the 4051 to talk to the 4907.  So far, such a ROMpack 
has proven elusive.


I have the Tektronix 4052/4054 File Manager ROM Packs. Can be seen here: http://www.tekmuseum.com/linked/tek_roms1.jpg I should have the documentation on them also. Only problem is they are buried somewhere in a cargo container.

Are you still looking for one?


Vintage computers and electronics

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