On Fri, Mar 10, 2017 at 08:56:34PM +0100, Jörg Hoppe via cctalk wrote:
>- I saw that neither 5.5 nor 5.6 has no DD, but 5.0 -5.4G and 5.7 has.
>Didn't understand the reason.

They brought back some long-dead drivers for the final release.

>- Also DD.MAC in the 5.0 - 5.4 and 5.7 changes often.
>I tested tu58fs with oversized TU58 tape for 5.3 and 5.7, the number of
>blocks is always patched into into offset 0x2c, 0x2d in DD.SYS

I don't know why you're saying that in hex ...

>- I made a working DD.SYS  with
> .macro DD,
> .link DD,
>.rename DD.SAV DD.SYS

I think you probably want "link dd/nobitmap/exe:dd.sys".  The /nobitmap
gets rid of some of the junk in block 0.

>Do you know how to make DDX.SYS? Must be a conditional MACRO symbol.

You want to stick XM.MAC in front of your source file.  I can never
remember the exact DCL syntax.  Something like "mac xm+dd/obj:ddx".

John Wilson
D Bit

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