On 03/31/2017 06:32 AM, David Griffith via cctalk wrote:

I'm down to the last few P112 boards for sale and am pondering another run of them because demand is steady. One of the biggest challenges for the last run was getting the QFP-packaged 100-pin chips[1] in a state such that the pick-and-place robot wouldn't throw a fit about slight differences in lead position. The stuffing house insisted that I send them new chips. Pulls, though they looked perfectly okay to me, were not acceptable. Does anyone here know anything about pick-and-place robots using pulled 100-pin QFPs, particularly a stuffing house that can work with such chips and not screw up?

[1] The now-obsolete super-io chips

There USED to be outfits that recycled chips. They had some system to clean and replate/reflow the leads and align them. The good ones could counterfeit them for new, you absolutely could NOT TELL they were not new from the factory. I have no idea if any of these outfits still exist. Probably they do, in China!

My P&P would have no problem, it uses mechanical alignment jaws. But, modern P&P use vision to locate the solder area of the leads and then position using those coordinates. So, anything that changes the reflection of the leads or causes slight misalignment would cause an alignment failure.


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