Do you want complete terminals and keyboards? The reason they like the 
keyboards is because of the feel of the typing. Sometimes they come with the 
monitors, and they have no use for them, so they get dumpstered. If you look on I did have about 20 of these heavy old boards, but none at the 
present time. I do know where some of the monitors are, but not keyboards.


-----Original Message-----
From: cctalk [] On Behalf Of Guy Sotomayor 
Jr via cctalk
Sent: Tuesday, June 06, 2017 4:49 PM
To: Anthony DeStefano; General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts
Subject: Re: Serial keyboards

> On Jun 6, 2017, at 2:46 PM, Anthony DeStefano via cctalk 
> <> wrote:
>> On Jun 6, 2017, at 4:40 PM, dwight via cctalk <> wrote:
>> If you look on the ebay for a dolch ethernet sniffer, you'll see
>> many with no keyboard.
>> Why would someone separate the keyboard from a box when it
>> is clipped onto it?
>> These are not just any keyboard. They have custom shaped cases
>> and connector specifically for that model dolch.
>> What would anyone want with those keyboards?
> Unfortunately, it's because the mechanical keyboard crowd canabalizes old 
> keyboards for keycaps and very rarely switches.  These days you can sell a 
> set of keycaps for more multiples of what a working, complete system will 
> fetch.

Yes, I’ve been dealing with the morons who strip the keyboards off of (now 
rare) IBM 327x terminals, cut the connectors off and wire them up to PS/2 or 
USB.  May they burn in hell.

TTFN - Guy

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