> From: Adrian Graham

    > Completely by chance one of the programme managers for STC at the time
    > found all my postings ... in a last ditch attempt to give his stash of
    > goodies away before he put them all in the local recycling.
    > This means that not only do I now have two unused units and spare parts
    > but I also have .. full documentation, a complete source dump AND the
    > entire 8" disk set

Oh, that is _fantastic_ news. I'm so happy this was all saved.

    > Another downside is I now know what's making my machine loop at
    > startup.

Hey, the problem would be there whether or not you knew the cause - knowing
the cause is surely better than not knowing!

    > the ASTEC 8151 was a bit of an achilles heel because of the way it was
    > mounted upside down and only passively cooled

Any way (i.e. room) to add a small fan to help with the cooling? Sounds like
that's definitely indicated...


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